Women's Collective Summit
APAICS provides a launching point for AA & NH/PI women interested in politics through panels of political experts, networking opportunities, and hearing from AA & NH/PI elected officials. The APAICS Women’s Collective Summit was created to bring powerful AA & NH/PI women together to share, to inspire, and to take bold action towards creating a more representative democracy. The 2023 Summit is a two-day event during which participants are invited to learn in several programs ranging from networking to leadership training to community building.

What Is Leadership in 2023
This fireside chat will explore what leadership means in 2023, how leadership has changed in the past five years, and what skills AA & NH/PI and POC women will need to lead in the future.
Lifting Each Other in Leadership: Building a Multi-Racial and Multi-Ethnic Network for Women of Color
Working collectively will be how we increase the representation of women, especially women of color, in political leadership positions. During this session, panelists will share how they have built multi-racial, multi-ethnic collaborations and coalitions to support the political leadership of women of color as well as advance public policy.
Growing from Taking the L
Too often leadership and progress are presented as a straight line upwards, when in reality, it’s not. It is in those times where we’ve fallen short of our goals that we learn and grow and come back stronger. Panelists will share how they learned and grew from taking the L.
Stress Relief: Staying Centered and Well Under Pressure
Leadership can be busy and stressful, but how you manage it can make a world of difference in how you show up personally and professionally. In this session, participants will learn some stress management techniques and suggestions to not be overwhelmed by stress and the to do list.
What’s Your Plan?
Learn how a personal theory of change can help you map your leadership. Participants will be introduced to a personal theory of change tool to help them think about how they will achieve their leadership goals and make the right decisions for them along the way.
Developing Your Personal Brand
In this session, participants will learn how to develop their own personal brand, including recommendations and tips for how to tailor their brand to different platforms and forums.
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