APAICS Community Conversations

APAICS Community Conversations facilitate a community-level dialogue between legislators, policymakers, activists, and community members centered on recent legislation and current events impacting the Asian American & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AA & NH/PI) communities.

APAICS Community Conversation
Las Vegas
Present and future of social justice and equity in America
Join us on Saturday, October 22, 2022, for our newest program APAICS Community Conversation, from 4:00 - 5:30 pm PT in Las Vegas. During the event we will facilitate a community-level dialogue between legislators, policymakers, activists, and community members centered on recent legislation and current events impacting the Asian American & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AA & NH/PI) communities.
AA & NH/PIs are the fastest growing racial group in the United States and Nevada exemplifies this statement. Nationwide, Asian American voters comprise 4 percent of the electorate. But in Nevada, we make up 12 percent of the population and 8 percent of the state’s electorate. Since 2016, the Asian American vote was the margin of difference between victory and defeat in both the general and midterm elections. As we head toward the midterms, the Asian American community will be a critical must-need political force for all candidates seeking election.
Hate crimes doubled in the first year of the pandemic from 47 in 2019 to 113 in 2020. While hate incidents against AA & NH/PIs represent a small fraction of the total reported incidents, the incidents have been particularly troubling and pernicious, including a case where a 6-year-old was punched and subjected to racial slurs at a shopping mall in Las Vegas. Yet these statistics only scratch the surface as experts believe that many hate incidents against AA & NH/PIs go unreported.
How do we make our communities safer and advance social justice? How do we ensure funding initiatives improve the lives of AA & NH/PIs? How do we prioritize these conversations? Join APAICS Community Conversations and Asian American Members of Congress in a discussion addressing these issues and identifying solutions.
Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06)
Congresswoman Dina Titus (NV-03)
Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04)
Nevada State Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen (District 10)
4:00 PM Anti-Asian Hate and Advancing Social Justice
4:45 PM Panel Concludes