The APAICS Energy Summit brings together industry and community leaders alongside Asian American and Pacific Islander members of Congress to discuss top-line energy concerns that are affecting the nation and AAPI community at-large.
Panel #1: Getting Affordable Energy to Underserved Communities
AAPI and other underserved communities traditionally lack access to affordable energy. In fact, underserved communities often pay substantially more than wealthier communities, which adds to the racial wealth gap in this country. As the energy economy grows and innovates, how can the energy sector address these inequities in the cost of power?
Panel #2: Security in a New Energy Economy
Reliability and energy security are key priorities for all Americans but especially at-risk and underserved communities. How are utilities, companies and local governments working to ensure energy security in these communities?
Panel #3: The Future of Energy: Consumers Driving Change in the Marketplace
Energy innovation touches nearly every aspect of our everyday lives such as appliances, cooking and shopping. Both established companies and new startups introduce significant innovation into their products and services. What are some of these changes occurring in the marketplace? How does it affect our everyday lives? How are these changes interconnected?
Panel #4: Electric Vehicles: The Future of American Transportation
The car industry is amidst a radical transformation centered on the electric vehicle and the advent of hybrid engine. Although these technologies have existed for decades, every incumbent car company are committed to creating a fleet of EVs and hybrids. With 150 million Americans using cars every day, how will this shift to electric and hybrids impact our national transportation system? What are the long term implications? How can we make these technologies affordable to all Americans?