Overview of the Health Summit
The APAICS Health Summit brings together nonprofit and corporate leaders, subject matter experts and elected officials for a bipartisan policy discussion about the current state of healthcare. One of the biggest threats to the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA & NH/PI) community is healthcare. During the COVID-19 pandemic AA & NH/PI’s have faced racism and discrimination, even though the community is on the frontlines battling the pandemic across the United States. This summit will highlight parts of healthcare where AA & NH/PIs are underrepresented and how as a nation
there can be more inclusion. Experts from across America will join in this conversation and help to uncover the biggest challenges AA & NH/PIs face, not only in the current state of healthcare but in the next phases of this global pandemic.
Opening Plenary
Asian American and Pacific Islander State of Healthcare
Panel #1: Diversity and Equity in the Healthcare Industry Workforce
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the healthcare sector is critically important for providing the best care possible and fostering innovation. The AA & NH/PI community has faced unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even while facing discrimination and racism, AA & NH/PI medical professionals have never stopped providing the best possible care to all patients. This panel will discuss what the healthcare industry is doing to elevate AA & NH/PIs and other minority groups into the industry’s top echelons and approaches to providing equitable and accessible healthcare for all.
Panel #2: Data Disaggregation
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how critical data can be to saving lives. The AA & NH/PI community is built by numerous cultures and ethnicities just like so many other minority groups. Disaggregating data within the community can help healthcare providers, researchers, and consumers through the pandemic, by better identifying any gaps in the system. This panel will highlight why data is the key to ensuring that the issues facing all
AA & NH/PIs are addressed.
Panel #3: Health Equity and Digital Health During COVID
The United States lack of access rate to healthcare is alarmingly high, and women of color are particularly vulnerable. AA & NH/PIs specifically face additional challenges including cultural and logistical barriers, as well as hurdles based on immigration or economic status, and geographic location. Healthcare equity is the goal. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a space for new innovative ways to reach every single patient. From telehealth to remote monitoring to cloud computing, technology will transform the healthcare industry. This panel will discuss the new technological advancements and how they can be leveraged to connect with the most vulnerable AA & NH/PIs populations. This panel will highlight historic factors that have led to the present-day impact on healthcare and will provide policy solutions on how AA & NH/PIs can overcome the systematic lack of equitable healthcare access.
Closing Plenary: The Next Phase of COVID: Vaccinations and Healing
During 2020, the world learned about the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Industries, people, and governments all needed to embrace to a new temporary normal and adapt quickly. Heading
into 2021, globally the first steps to recovery have been taken but so many are still left out of receiving aid. In healthcare alone AA & NH/PIs need to be part of the foundational building blocks for vaccine innovation and distribution. This closing panel will highlight the phase we are currently in and how the community can be included to ensure that no one is left behind.