The APAICS Health Summit brings together nonprofit and corporate leaders, subject matter experts and elected officials for a bipartisan policy discussion about the current state of healthcare. One of the biggest threats to the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA & NH/PI) community is healthcare. During the COVID-19 pandemic AA & NH/PI’s have faced racism and discrimination, even though the community is on the frontlines battling the pandemic across the United States. This summit will highlight parts of healthcare where AA & NH/PIs are underrepresented and how as a nation
there can be more inclusion. Experts from across America will join in this conversation and help to uncover the biggest challenges AA & NH/PIs face, not only in the current state of healthcare but in the next phases of this global pandemic.
Striving for Health Equity
Whether it is higher rates of certain diseases or lack of access to necessary treatments, communities of color often face difficulty getting access to the care they need. For the 20 million AA & NH/PIs in the United States, some face hurdles such as language and literacy barriers, undercounting and over generalization of data, and underrepresentation in studies. On this panel, we will discuss efforts being undertaken to promote health equity in a variety of aspects of our healthcare system so that all communities can gain access to the care they want and need.
Moonshot: The Latest in Cancer Research
One in three people are diagnosed with cancer at some stage of their life. While the diagnosis is frightening for many people, there are billions being spent trying to find a cure, and new treatments are being researched and discovered on an ongoing basis. Hear from experts about the latest in the fight against cancer.
Ensuring Diverse Voices in Healthcare: Representation in the Workforce
Growing the ranks of diverse scientists, researchers, doctors, and other vital roles in health is key to the success of the diversity, equity, and inclusion effort. Building a diverse workforce requires commitment of resources and time to develop a pipeline, and there are companies leading the charge in recruitment, retainment, and promotion. This panel will explore best practices and new innovative approaches to building the pipeline from student to c-suite.
Saving Lives and the Future of Innovation in the Industry
From COVID-19 vaccines to bionic limbs, medical advancements are creating solutions to some of the world’s biggest medical challenges at record pace. Whether racing towards the next great discovery or collaborating with each other to assemble the next miracle advancement, companies are constantly innovating to provide new and potentially live altering products to people around the world. Hear from leaders in the industry talking about the importance of innovation, what its impact is for the AA & NH/PIs community and get a sense of where exciting research is occurring in the various industries across medicine.
Creating Space for Your Mental Health
One in five U.S. adults suffer from mental illness, and the impact can be felt not just by the individual but their family, friends, and community. The COVID-19 pandemic and anti-Asian hate incidents created an even greater need for mental health for everyone, including AA & NH/PIs. Through tele-health platforms, new medicines, and exciting research in the realm of precision therapeutic approaches, innovation in the space is opening more options for individuals seeking mental health care. However, there are still obstacles. In addition to the fear of stigma as well as a lack of professionals of color to support the growing need for mental health care in many minority and immigrant communities, the isolation from community and fear from anti-Asian racism and violence are a few factors in the increasing importance of individual and community mental health care. Organizations, governments from federal to local levels, and companies are working to meet these needs and will share their stories and expertise.
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