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National Leadership Academy

Program Overview

The APAICS National Leadership Academy is a three-day, non-partisan leadership training program for current elected officials and individuals seeking to run for public office. Established in 1999, the program provides AA & NH/PI candidates and elected officials with the skills and resources needed to succeed in their campaigns through an interactive leadership training program and guest speakers. 

The National Leadership Academy is open to both elected officials seeking higher office and individuals who may be interested in running for elected office in the future.

All participants at the 2024 National Leadership Academy will be invited guests to APIAVote's Presidential Town Hall, happening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, July 13. 

Dates and Schedule

Mandatory Pre-Program Meeting: June 18, 2024* (date subject to change)

Program Dates: July 11-13, 2024

Training from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET on July 11 & July 12, 2024

Community Reception from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET on July 12, 2024

APIAVote Presidential Town Hall on July 13, 2024



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Comcast Center

Sample Curriculum

  • Planning your Campaign

  • Communications

  • Fundraising

  • Digital Organizing

  • Power Mapping

  • Volunteer Management


Costs Covered by APAICS

Non-elected Attendees

Airfare travel will be provided by APAICS. Breakfast and lunch meals are included. Attendees who live more than 40 miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will receive a shared hotel room for four (4) nights (July 10-13). Attendees are expected to share a room with another attendee, and spouses are not permitted to stay in shared hotel rooms. Single rooms are available at an additional cost to the attendee. Individuals not traveling by airline are eligible for a $200 reimbursement toward non-airfare related travel expenses.


Elected Attendees

Breakfast and lunch meals are included. If the attendee is not eligible for complimentary airfare or hotel room outlined in the non-elected attendee section, attendee will be reimbursed for travel up to $200 for allowable travel expenses. Attendees traveling from a State or territory outside the continental United States are eligible for an additional travel reimbursement of up to $200. Elected officials should consult ethics rules for compliance.


All Attendees

Full three-day attendance of the National Leadership Academy is required to receive the program benefits, as well as attendance at the pre-program meeting. 



All applicants must be U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, or individuals who are legally authorized to work full-time without restriction for any U.S. employer.


Deadline to Apply

The application for the 2024 National Leadership Academy is CLOSED.


For additional information, please contact us at


Notable Alumni

National Leadership Academy alumni include Members of Congress, State Senators and Representatives, Mayors, City Council Members, and other distinguished leaders.


Congressman Charles K. Djou


MN Representative

Samantha Vang



Ted Lieu


NYC Councilmember

Sandra Ung


ID Representative

Sue Chew


HI Representative

Patrick Branco

Interested in sponsoring the National Leadership Academy? Please contact for more information.

Thank You to Our Partners

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2024 In-Kind Sponsor

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