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APAICS Commemorates the One Year Anniversary of the Atlanta Area Shootings


WASHINGTON - One year ago, on March 16, 2021, an armed white gunman entered three Atlanta area businesses killing eight individuals, six of whom were Asian American women. APAICS commemorates the lives that were lost, and reflects on the anti-Asian violence that has occured since.

Madalene Xuan-Trang Mielke, President & CEO of APAICS issued the following statement:

“After the horrific shootings in Atlanta that took the lives of eight individuals too soon, we were hopeful when we saw our nation mobilize to condemn anti-Asian violence and hate. In May, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes was signed into law, followed by action and notable investments in AAPI communities in California and New York. Similarly, investments and media coverage spotlighted our community. These investments allowed for the launch of programs like the APAICS Racial Equity Fellowship.

“However, tackling racism, especially racism that has been so deep-rooted in our nation’s history, is not something that can be solved by a one-time investment. Despite the national efforts, violence against our community has continued to proceed at alarmingly high rates against women and the elderly.

“We must acknowledge and educate our country and ourselves of the painful history of racism. We must continue to invest in programs that uplift Asian Americans so we can continue to be heard and represented.”

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The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) is a national non-partisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting Asian Pacific American participation and representation at all levels of the political process, from community service to elected office.



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